Thursday, July 18, 2013

Courageous blade strike is done...

It's been a while since the black and white study of a monster and a brave warrior was started, it was done yesterday and here are some screenshots made while the coloring process was ongoing:

It took some hours to paint the whole thing and thanks to the rough value provided by the grayscale the decision making was quiet easier. After doing the grayscale, the next thing that was done was to paint using a new layer with a "normal", blah blah, something below at the layers palette tab, where people can select "Normal, Color, Multiply, Overlay and so forth", forgotten what's the name of that area. But today, earlier, it was realized that making an "Overlay" is better and more precise that using the "Normal" layer directly, it's because the colors being used in the overlay layer doesn't cover the grayscale value, for some sort it mixes with the grayscale making which is more good to other way around where the normal layers is used. The next thing, after coloring with an overlay, that's where painting with a normal layer can be done, this time the main focus is on finalizing the colors and for correcting edges.

Here is the final painting and most areas are quiet messed up, but it's okay, where still on the process of learning, haha...

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