Friday, April 25, 2014

Loads of work from the previous weeks and time...

Haven't done any blog update from the previous days and wasn't able to make any studies and personal artworks. Here is a screenshot of the WIPs that was done but these were finished just recently and there are next things to come. Need to ask permission from the client to actually post the items here soon:

The one at the left side is for a book cover and the 4 next to it are illustrations for a card game. There are other 4 new illustrations soon for the card game but recently cancelled 2 cover illustration since the deadline is tight and the concept more details and description, maybe it couldn't be done within that time since freelancing is only part-time and needs to sleep too, haha!.

Below are some rough concepts that were not approved:

Some character rough samples was made recently:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

First post of April, no finished art since there are other things...

Couldn't finish the fan art for Diablo III and there was other activities from the previous weeks. Other works needed to be done and are still on progress, here are some slices:

Among these, only 1 will be colored.