Wednesday, July 31, 2013

An old cartoon character illustration concept, the last post of July...

These two character illustration concept is the last post for July and August is coming, plenty of studies will be posted soon. These illustrations were intended for something and this was a fun character since the object is a jelly bean, the name's "Mini Muffin". Here are some screenshots, almost forgot to capture:

The image below is a damn error, photoshop freezes and multiple pop-up box appears.

Here are the illustrations, the other one is a revision:

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Isometric animation study and practices...

For some reason studying animation is needed, isometric animation. It's fun since you see your character moves. In this study, the focus is to create a movement of a male silhouette like character with some muscle formation shown. In this case, we can name the character as "John Lubas". Lubas moves in 4 directions (SouthEast, SouthWest, NorthEast and NorthWest), you can see that in order to have a much easier overview on his movements another group of lines are used as a modification from the basic method done known as graphingpoints, this time, this new method will be termed as containerbox, where the object is contained within a fixed box and the sides are guided by the horizontallines left and right. Never mind the anatomy, it's just a quick illustration. Here are some screenshots on the processes done:

To see the animation as a separate file from photoshop, we have 2 options, either use "Save For Web" and create .gif file or we can use "Export" and "Render Video" to create a video of the animation. Below is where to render a video from a photoshop animation frames.

The advantage on this is that only two directional illustrations are needed to be illustrated and animated, since we can flipped horizontal the layers and create another direction. Here is the video, the problem is it's too small about 60 resolution but it was big on screen but here it's super small.


Here's a .gif, it's a lot bigger:

Monday, July 29, 2013

Another concept art is done, the wandering monster...

Recently painted a rough concept of a monster in black and white, here is the completed version of it but forgotten to create screenshots on the coloring processes:

There was a rough concept art about a knight with vicious looking eyes towards a castle on the background, with a strange axe like weapon for battle. It will be the next painting to be done.

Friday, July 26, 2013

A quick environment painting study turned into a completed artwork...

Been doing some isometric animation studies and illustrations for quiet a days, and has not post anything on the blog. This one is an old painting study on environment/landscape and this one doesn't have screenshots since it is not created from the house. It took exactly 3hrs of painting and study trying to familiarize rocky valleys and mountains. Here is the completed illustration:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A painting study completed in 3 hours more and a painting in progress...

Recently created a portrait painting study of "Glinda The Good" of the 2012 movie "Oz The Great And Powerful" and it lasted for more than 3 hours which is the time limit of the study purpose, here are some screenshots:

And here's the final one for the study:

The next thing was coloring a rough concept posted earlier, here are some screenshots, it is not yet done:

Friday, July 19, 2013

A monster rough concept for another black & white study...

Was recently looking and was amazed on Mike Azevedo's gallery on deviant. His artworks are all amazing and he has an excellent sense in making a good composition with sharp lighting on them. You can see his deviant on Here are some rough concept screenshots for a new concept and fantasy art piece for the portfolio.

And here is the final rough concept, hope to blend in a good composition and variation of sharp light areas, haha.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Courageous blade strike is done...

It's been a while since the black and white study of a monster and a brave warrior was started, it was done yesterday and here are some screenshots made while the coloring process was ongoing:

It took some hours to paint the whole thing and thanks to the rough value provided by the grayscale the decision making was quiet easier. After doing the grayscale, the next thing that was done was to paint using a new layer with a "normal", blah blah, something below at the layers palette tab, where people can select "Normal, Color, Multiply, Overlay and so forth", forgotten what's the name of that area. But today, earlier, it was realized that making an "Overlay" is better and more precise that using the "Normal" layer directly, it's because the colors being used in the overlay layer doesn't cover the grayscale value, for some sort it mixes with the grayscale making which is more good to other way around where the normal layers is used. The next thing, after coloring with an overlay, that's where painting with a normal layer can be done, this time the main focus is on finalizing the colors and for correcting edges.

Here is the final painting and most areas are quiet messed up, but it's okay, where still on the process of learning, haha...

Friday, July 12, 2013

The final rough concept from yesterdays work...

Decided to finalize the rough sketches needed for the characters that were hidden from yesterday's post but forgot to make screenshots along the way. The characters were done for about more than an hour, here's the final rough illustration, hope to find the motivation to color this one soon, haha.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

An artwork with from a previous rough painting turned into an environment concept art...

Was trying to color a rough painting done last month, the first processes were fine but later on, decided to change the composition especially the character, here are the screenshots:

While doing the background and hiding the characters, there was an error, it was the color picker pop-up window and there was no option but to use the task manager and close photoshop. It was unfortunate since the artwork was almost done. After closing photoshop with task manager, the colorization sessions were not save and it needs to be repeated again.

Here's the final piece: