Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Applying again for a freelance project...

Started doing elance for last December 2012 and was awarded by 4 jobs at January 2013. It was a good experience and a tiresome one since sleeping is limited, usually have 3 hours of minimum nap and it affects the full time job but somehow, manage to get the hang out of it.

The problem was about time management and rest since in January 2013 there are 3 clients that offered the job and it was accepted right away. Those project was for children's book and illustration of characters and scenes were needed. All of those 3 books would sum up about no more than 77 illustrations and 1 book has plenty of characters, it was about a book about children in a classroom. Couldn't manage to do those 3 jobs at the same time and as a result those projects were not done completely and was only paid for the things that was initially completed. It ended last month of April and it realized that it would be good to to 1 project at a time so that it will be completed and finished right at schedule. After that, one client gave a feedback last March, it was really embarrassing and decided to stop elance for that time and deactivate the account.

Now, decided to go back and do projects 1 at a time. Here are sample illustrations for a certain project. The first one was the kind of cartoon to proposed for the project but then after seeing a strong competitor's work, decided to do more but it was not yet completed.

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