Thursday, June 13, 2013

Zhimfalric the paladin king's guard is done in black and white...

More interested to learn black and white processes as a start in painting and has been listening to good advises from a team mate whose extremely good in both digital and traditional painting, the name is Joel Pellerin, his instructions and words really converted the previous grayish combination of black and white color picking and judgement into a solid pure black shading. Aside from it, there are many things being learned about understanding an object's cylindrical form. Here is the completed painting:

Noticed that the right hand is just too small, maybe it should have been bigger not far from the left hand, but since this is a study, it stops there for now but changes will be done upon coloring this artwork. The next thing to do is to create sketches for "Motion Gesture Study" and it will take a longer time.

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