Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Isometric animation study and practices...

For some reason studying animation is needed, isometric animation. It's fun since you see your character moves. In this study, the focus is to create a movement of a male silhouette like character with some muscle formation shown. In this case, we can name the character as "John Lubas". Lubas moves in 4 directions (SouthEast, SouthWest, NorthEast and NorthWest), you can see that in order to have a much easier overview on his movements another group of lines are used as a modification from the basic method done known as graphingpoints, this time, this new method will be termed as containerbox, where the object is contained within a fixed box and the sides are guided by the horizontallines left and right. Never mind the anatomy, it's just a quick illustration. Here are some screenshots on the processes done:

To see the animation as a separate file from photoshop, we have 2 options, either use "Save For Web" and create .gif file or we can use "Export" and "Render Video" to create a video of the animation. Below is where to render a video from a photoshop animation frames.

The advantage on this is that only two directional illustrations are needed to be illustrated and animated, since we can flipped horizontal the layers and create another direction. Here is the video, the problem is it's too small about 60 resolution but it was big on screen but here it's super small.


Here's a .gif, it's a lot bigger:

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